Česko.Digital/Akce/IxDD Brno 2021: Solidarity & Transformation

IxDD Brno 2021: Solidarity & Transformation

World Interaction Design Day is an annual event where we come together as a united global community to show how interaction design improves the human condition.

O akci

This year we’ll look into topics: TRANSFORMATION AND SOLIDARITY - which are in the context of the global IXDD closely linked to the pandemic situation. We’ll focus mainly on the concept of: Design in the Background - the areas most affected by covid events - such as education, healthcare, and travel. These have undergone the greatest transformations, but people still know little about all the changes, that happened, challenges overcome, the initiatives and projects created and what they are trying to achieve.

Following these topics, you’ll be able to meet and chat with a group of inspiring people from mentioned above areas and take a lot of valuable insights and ideas away with you. Also, you’re welcome to enjoy drinks and food with us during the program :)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: This time we’ll meet in-person for an offline event 🤩 —————— Agenda: 17:00. Doors open 18:00 Official IXDD introduction + short intro from our venue host 18:15 - 18:45 Anežka Muller - "Učíme online", Česko Digital Coffee&Cupcake break 18:55 - 19:25 Blanka&Otakar - "VČAS app project and prevention", Loono Coffee&Cupcake break 19.35 - 20:05 Jana Hřebecká - Start Again, Pábení 20:05 - 20:35 Adam Vodička, Anybody - Hotel that doesn't exist 20:05 - free networking time + edu-point with practical prevention displays from Loono experts

  • we can move to the bar together afterwards 🍹

⭐ all talks are English only

Další akce

st 26. 2. 17:00Praha

Meetup #5

Chceš se seznámit s novými lidmi nebo naživo potkat tváře, které ještě neznáš? Zjistit víc o aktivitách a plánech Česko.Digital a načerpat dávku inspirace a pozitivní energie? Doraz na historicky pátý Meetup Česko.Digital!

čt 12. 12. 16:30PRACOVNA, Vlkova 36, Praha 3

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